The Places We’ll Go: Field Trips

Tighter budgets, heavier workloads and travel restrictions have resulted in fewer school field trips in recent years. Yet, some of the most memorable student activities are field trips with friends.

In fact, students who who take school trips have better grades (59%), higher graduation rates from high school (95%) and college (63%) and greater income (12% higher annually).

In fact, student field trips have a positive, lasting impact on their education and career making students more engaged, curious, and interested in and out of school.

Today’s students are visual learners. A field trip lets them touch, feel and listen to what they’re learning about, which helps them gain a better understanding of topics, and exposes them to worlds outside their own.

So, there are two key questions to ask, “Where do students want to go and what do they want to do? And, are we there yet.”