Tech Support with Your Local, Friendly Neighborhood Teen (Coming in 2024)

We live in an era of increasing lifespans, improving health and mobility for people over 60, and expanding possibilities for what older adults can create. Many older adults are thriving in the digital age, zooming happily with friends, ordering groceries online, and staying healthy with online fitness classes. 

Others, unfortunately, are struggling to use technology and, in many cases, barely taking advantage of it at all. This pattern of technology impact for older adults has far-reaching implications when it fails some of the most vulnerable residents in the neighborhood.

We're working to connect seniors with youth in an intergenerational learning experience that is unique and fulfilling.  We're looking for youth to provide tech support to older adults in the neighborhood and an opportunity for remarkable human connection.  Seniors learn best, when learning with a purpose, not just learning technology for technology’s sake — the same is true for youth.